ogni tanto ripenso a quello che mi chiamava nanetta, perché scrivendoci mi chiese quanto fossi alta (io 158, lui diceva sull’175). poi siamo usciti ed eravamo alti uguali, e non sono cresciuta io
I'm into vore, I think it's because of the power sistem and sometimes even trust between the characters, not for noob
Qual è il vostro animale preferito? (sia domestoco che non, in generale)
I'm into vore, I think it's because of the power sistem and sometimes even trust between the characters, not for noob
I'm into vore, I think it's because of the power sistem and sometimes even trust between the characters, not for noob
I'm into vore, I think it's because of the power sistem and sometimes even trust between the characters, not for noob
I'm into vore, I think it's because of the power sistem and sometimes even trust between the characters, not for noob
3 mesi fa
@op ohh that good, tbh i love when its x-ray and you can see the prey inside of their belly
I'm into vore, I think it's because of the power sistem and sometimes even trust between the characters, not for noob
I'm into vore, I think it's because of the power sistem and sometimes even trust between the characters, not for noob
stavo litigando con un super cristiano del fatto che non può farmi cambiare idea sul mio essere ateo e questo ha bestemmiato...