Trying to get and give good advices ?
Feminist ???
Nature lover ?
Bio ?
Bookworm ?
Luckily, I’m a woman ?
Age: something between 5 (mentally) and 20 years old⭐️
Location: Somewhere with my dragon ?
On my way to start my new life ✨
Totally in love with my boyfriend ?
I’m here to share my advices, helping people that are going through a difficult moment to see it in a positive way, as I’m trying to conquer my demons..??
Promoting a bio and a Nature-sized life ?
Sono italiana ma mi andava di scrivere in inglese ?
Taggatemi se avete bisogno di consigli o qualcuno con cui sfogarvi, non mi disturbate ? aiutare le persone a stare bene, fa stare bene anche me ✨❤️
@childofdragon ha creato l'account il 20/07/2018