Incel 23enne che si lamenta di non piacere a nessuno . Sei tu che non piaci, a noi non interessa.

01/04/2024 alle 11:17


un anno fa

@op lo so ma sono andato a leggere il suo post e non ci sono insulti o altro, è un post tranquillo e non merita questa cattiveria. Per piacere serve impegno ma anche fortuna, se tu piaci e sei soddisfatta ben per te, c'è chi, come lui, magari si impegna e non ha questa fortuna. Ci sono mille motivi per cui uno non piace, magari non è nemmeno incel

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Incel 23enne che si lamenta di non piacere a nessuno . Sei tu che non piaci, a noi non interessa.

01/04/2024 alle 11:17


un anno fa

Che cattiveria ingiustificata

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un anno fa

Quando ho sofferto veramente ho cercato di mascherare il tutto, forse riuscendoci, e quindi ho avuto gli stessi pensieri che hai tu. Ma le persone che ti vogliono bene sono pronte ad aiutarti, e l'ho capito tardi. Parlane con loro e cerca di cspire cosa puoi fare

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un anno fa

Relationship with him and you didn't nothing that ruined it, so i hope you'll be able to recreate a good relantionship with you're brother like when you were a child

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un anno fa

@dilaucean so you should talk to your brother, explaining your reasons and being ready to understand him, if he decides not to talk with you again. He probably needs time to change his vision, maybe he should talk to your parents too, beacause his envy and his bad behavior are caused by them. It seems to me that you're only trying to fix the

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un anno fa

But you and your brother are not the same person, and you did what you did beacause of something that it's not privileges your parents gave to you. So you could try to convince them that your brother it's not like you. But if they don't trust him i don't know exactly what you can do

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un anno fa

@dilaucean i don't agree with your parents because like you said, not having those privileges wouldn't have stopped you. Maybe those things helped, maybe not, i can't know. But it's not so strange to think that without those things your life could have been different, so i undestand what they think. I don't know if it's right, but i can understand

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un anno fa

Is talking to him and to your parents. I don't know you, your brother and the whole situation but i think that talking is the only thing you can do. But don't thing it's your fault.

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un anno fa

@dilaucean maybe he thinks that your parents prefer you and he's envious. It can't be easy for him and so he has bad behaviors like insulting you. But how could the fault be yours? Maybe you forgot to write something important that could help me to understand better the situation, but after reading what you wrote the only advice i can give to you

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un anno fa

@dilaucean bro i don't know if i can help you, tell me your problem

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