adoro la mia playlist, ma ci sono solo due canzoni di kpop e una degli 1D, visto che vorrei farmi della cultura musicale a proposito, me ne consigliate alcune #kpop #onedirection

4 anni fa
per gli 1D prendine qualcuna dall'album "midnight memories", sono quelle più conosciute (best song ever, you and i, wmyb, story of my life, drug me down, little thing, they don't know about us.. le solite)

4 anni fa
kpop: serendipity, lovesick girls, never mind (suga), no more dream, danger, whistle (blackpink), boombayah, bbibbi (IU), eight (IU & suga)

4 anni fa
1D: live while we’re young, over again, last first kiss, right NOW, little black dress, happily, strong, half a heartKpop: dayfly (dean), timeforthemoon Night (gfriend), punch (NCT), holiday (SNSD), home;run (seventeen), fiancé(mino), Candy (Baekhyun), jackpot (elris), miniskirt (AoA), hocus Pocus (plt), manitto(villain), villain(Stella jang),

4 anni fa
As you wish (wjsn), piri (dreamcatcher), what is love (twice), palette (iu), artist (Zico), honeymoon (b.a.p), kokobop (exo), red flavor e bad boy (red velvet), mixtape:on track, miroh (stray kids), replay e married to the music (SHINee), let’s love (suho), energetic (Wanna one) e vediti “most iconic kpop songs” di flowtae>>>