Raga help non fate domande e no non mi va di pensare..mi servirebbero 5 frasi facili tipo 2 media con il verbo essere e 5 con il verbo avere in inglese #compiti-di-mia-cugina

4 anni fa
She's an amazing friend. My cat is very annoying today. He's very smart for his age. My grandma is very old and my grandpa too. Giuly Is my best friend since middle school

4 anni fa
Poi. She is very beautiful. I am 15 years old. I am a lazy person. He is a football player. I am happy beacause it's my birthday

4 anni fa
My dad has a new phone and he's happy. I have a lot of homework for tomorrow. They have a nice house in Italy. My mom and I, we have a lot of clothes. Today has a really cute shirt on.

4 anni fa
Essere:I am happy.She is beautiful.We are strong.You are cute.They are funny.Avere mi siddia??

4 anni fa
Mia sorella è alta/ La pizza è buona/ Io coniglio è bianco/ La cioccolata è dolce/ Il sole è splendente// I have got a cat/ My mum has got a new car / My dad has got a book / My sister has got a new shoes

4 anni fa
I have an apple in my backpack. I have a lot of homework for tomorrow. I don't have a chewing gum. I have a few friends. I don't bave a basketball.